The patient voice
Monday, 29 January 2024
Lymphedema has a huge impact on the quality of life of breast cancer
patients, hampering daily activities. Therefore, predicting lymphedema
in patients at risk and possibly preventing or mitigating the severity,
is of great importance. In PRE-ACT, the AI-model incorporated in
clinical practice with supportive communication has both a data science
as well as a clinical side. From a clinical side, clinicians are part of
the consortium as well as patients. One of the patient representatives
is Cheryl Roumen.
Cheryl Roumen: “Within PRE-ACT, I am
considered an equal partner and asset to the consortium. In the 1-year
AGM meeting we held in October, the atmosphere was constructive and
easy-going, which allowed for dialogues to make decisions and state
important actions. Particularly, we discussed the clinical trial,
patient communication and how explainable AI can be intertwined.
Although, the challenge of developing a good model and testing it in
clinical practice is not a simple task, the consortium is well on its
way to reaching important milestones, such as having a model, the
patient communication app and starting the clinical trial. It is an
exciting journey."
Cheryl Roumen is a former breast cancer patient who takes part in the scientific expert group of the Breast cancer Foundation in the Netherlands. She has been a patient representative in several (inter)national research projects and has a PhD in human biology. She currently works as a senior researcher and lecturer at Maastricht University in the field of Health and Digital Technology. More information can be found at